Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How biddable are Acer machines compared to adjectives the other brands contained by the marketplace resembling HP, Sony, Toshiba, etc?

How biddable are Acer machines compared to all the other brands contained by the market resembling HP, Sony, Toshiba, etc?


i love my Vaio but have to conceed that hp enjoy the best customer services (acer= worst i have deal with) not sure about ibm/lenveno

acer do enjoy the edge over adjectives of the other wrt price though

quality perceptive all the big boys are on par near each other.

steer clear of small players as they might not be around within 2 or three years when you want to for eg update the bast*rdised bios
I have 2 Acer comps contained by my home, both are excellent machines. Better than the IBM the first Acer replaced.
Its a choice of preference, u should consider such as best utility for money,features,design,looks,wa... and all the perfect bits compare to other brands.

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