Friday, September 17, 2010

how do you reformat a vaio laptop?

Could you step me through the steps to reformat a vaio laptop?


You don't say what model Vaio you own, but the easiest thing to try first is to press F10 when the Sony boot peak appears when you turn on the laptop. If the recovery wall is still intact, you will be able to restore your Vaio rear to factory default. Of course, anything that you currently hold on the laptop will be lost.
I gotta ask why you would want to do this? Most people don't take that this is a long time-consuming process and you wind up losing lots of stuff you didn't realize, close to settings.

I think there's an epidemic going around - everyone desires to "wipe and reload" like it's playing on MySpace or something.

The lone time you need to reformat and reinstall is if you own unrecoverable corruption of the operating system. Then you need the resourceful disks that came near the computer for starter
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