Friday, September 17, 2010

How do you set up an internet nouns if you own a laptop?

I am looking into buying a laptop within the next few weeks, but near are still things that I am uncertain of.. when you receive a laptop, how exactly do you set up an internet connection? i hold heard of "wireless internet cards" but are they trouble-free to get and set up? how much do they cost? because i want the wireless internet and i a short time ago want as much information as i can get. also, any other direction or information about laptops would be dutiful!!


You should be able to buy a wireless card for smaller amount than 50 dollars. You need a wireless gridiron to connect to though. There are many hot spots adjectives over where you cna do this for free. You can turn an existing cable/dsl nouns into a wireless connection beside a wireless access point whihc should also cost about $50. You can also attain a wireless router for about $75 but unless you plan on have multiple wired pcs hooked up this isn't necessary. So the access point or the router will connect to dsl or cable and next you should be able to connect to the router or ap.
most laptops will already be wireless ... the best settup is to hold hispeed internet and buy a wireless router ... u basically plug everything surrounded by and turn it on and ur online ... but u should set security for ur router after u bring it going ...

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